About Us

Welcome to Russia.Post, an expert journalism platform of The Russia Program at the George Washington University that seeks to lift the new Iron Curtain and shed light on developments inside Russia. We aim to become a digital hub where Russian humanities and civil society-related issues can be debated in a pluralistic atmosphere. We put the spotlight on Russian voices, in dialogue with international experts, to discuss the future of Russia and its place in the world. Russia.Post also envisions itself as a platform for educating a broader audience on Russian society in all its complexity and diversity, with the belief that cultural exchange and mutual understanding remain as important as ever.

We publish professionals from Russia and elsewhere in English and Russian, aiming to answer a single question: how can we understand Russia after the February 24 invasion of Ukraine? We publish analysis about politics, the economy, society, culture, business and art. We provide fresh data on sociology, the economy, human rights and cultural trends. We conduct interviews with leading scholars and key opinion leaders. We offer new tools for teaching and researching Russia.

Join us in our efforts to comprehend what is going on that side of the new Iron Curtain. Read our articles here on the website, sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
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